Do you charge for Delivery?

Free UK delivery for all our products.  Delivery charge for Europe and rest of the world.

Taxes and Duties?

All Customers are liable for the own taxes and duties for thier country of delivery.



I Don't like the product?

We will offer a 110% satisfaction guarantee.  Please contact us and we will refund the full amount and 10% extra for your troubles.  You can return the product back in any condition!

How long have I got to return the product?

We Have a three month grace period from the day of delivery.    


Can I put my own prescription in it?

Yes you can!  The frames are designed so the lenses can be replaced. 

Can I where them as everyday spectacles?

It is not recommended the M1000 ready ready are designed for reading only.




  1. General

    1. You may have other rights granted by law including your statutory rights as a consumer, and these Terms do not affect those rights.

    2. No binding contract will exist between us until we have accepted your order. Except as described in our returns policy, you may not cancel any order which has been accepted by us.

    3. All goods are sold subject to availability.

    4. These terms supersede all previous verbal or written statements and agreements relating to the goods and/or services. All information contained on www.granturismovision.com or our correspondence is provided for guidance only and does not form part of this contract, unless we agree otherwise with you in writing.

    5. None of our representatives, agents or sales persons have authority to vary, amend or waive any of these Terms on our behalf and no amendment or addition to any of these Terms shall be deemed to have been accepted unless we agree otherwise with you in writing.


    7. Copyright 6th August 2015 Good-Lookers (London) Ltd.

    8. GTV”, “GRANTURISMOVISION & “GTV EYEWEAR” are registered trademarks, UK trade mark 

  1. Refund & Cancellation Policy

    1. Please refer to our returns page

  2. Description of Goods and Service

    1. Descriptions of the goods are set out in our literature and on our website and any other documents in which our goods are referred to. Whilst we will attempt to ensure that there are no changes to the goods to be supplied, it is possible that there might be some minor variations to the description and/or specification of the goods which arise by virtue of changes made by the manufacturers of the parts supplied which form part of the goods.

  3. Price of Goods & Payment

    1. The price for the goods will be the price as stated on www.granturismovision.com

    2. The price for the goods includes any VAT payable.

    3. Unless we agree otherwise in writing, you must pay to us the price for the goods when placing your order.

  4. Ownership and responsibility of Goods

    1. You will be liable for any loss or damage to the goods from the time of delivery unless such loss or damage is demonstrably caused by our negligence.

  5. Resale of goods

    1. You are not allowed to resell GRAN TURISMO VISION products to the public.

  6. Recording of Telephone Calls

    1. We may record any telephone calls that you make to our customer services.

  7. Limitation of our Liability to you

    1. Nothing in these Terms excludes or limits our liability for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence or any breach of the statutory implied terms as to title of goods or for fraud or any other liability which by law we are not permitted to limit or exclude.

    2. Our maximum liability (and that of our employees, agents and subcontractors) to you in connection with any physical damage caused to your property through the negligence of us (or our employees, agents and subcontractors) will not in any circumstances exceed £10,000.

    3. In all other cases, our total liability (including our employees, agents and subcontractors) whether in contract, tort (including negligence) and breach of statutory duty or otherwise will not exceed the price of the goods and services to which the claim relates.

    4. In no circumstances will we (or our employees, agents or subcontractors) be liable to you for any business interruption, loss of use, loss of data, loss of profits, contracts, goodwill or anticipated savings.

  8. Our Responsibilities

    1. We will endeavour to honour our responsibilities under this contract within a reasonable time frame unless it is impossible because of circumstances outside of our control. In particular we will not be responsible for delays caused by our suppliers.

  9. Your right to transfer the contract

    1. This contract is personal to you. Nobody other than you will be able to benefit from this contract. You may not transfer your rights or the benefit of any of the provisions of this contract to any other person without our prior written permission.

  10. Our Right to Transfer the Contract

    1. We may assign or subcontract the contract or any part of the contract to any person, firm or company.

  11. Communications

    1. Any communications between us regarding this contract that are required to be in writing must be sent by first class post, email, facsimile or delivered by hand. Any written communication will be treated as having been served on the person receiving it 3 working days after posting (if sent by first class post), at the time of transmission (if sent by email or facsimile) and at the time of delivery (if delivered by hand).